Perlazza Studio – a magic, atmospheric place, hallucination, hemoglobin, carbon dioxide that sort of stuff. Plus professional equipment and He - the one and only - Mr Perła – a one-man band, with his heart on his sleeve, an open mind, vast knowledge. All topped with humour. Work with Him turns work into pleasure – but beware – he can make you crawl :) And to top it all, he makes delicious chicory coffee and one hell of awesome garlic soup. I will never forget it. I recommend with great pleasure.

Załęs - Dust Blow, Pidżama Porno

We recorded our first album “Terroromans” with Perła and if he had managed to tame three young whackos enough to have this album released and gain some coverage, then I have no doubt that he’s able to face any – even the most difficult task. I recommend with all my heart.

Michał Wiraszko - Muchy

Perła knows about music, keeps an open mind and can play really well. He’s also patient and charming. And he doesn’t whine too much, which is a very valuable feature of a music producer in addition to ability to produce and mix perfectly.

Ania Brachaczek - Biff, SiQ.

Corruption recorded at Perlazza Studio two albums and each time Przemek was an excellent producer! Helpful, full of fresh ideas and solutions suiting the band’s style. During the session he became its next element. Thanks to his work our album “Bourbon River Bank” got nominated for Fryderyk award. I’m thankful and recommend with a pure heart.

Piotr „Anioł” Wącisz – Corruption i Virgin Snatch

Since we first met, when we were planning a session for the following year Przemek was thoroughly collecting information about our inspirations, sonic preferences and generally about us as a band. It came to us as a really big surprise, because it was the harbinger of great commitment in the future. That was exactly what happened a year later – at any time of the production process Perła would lend us a hand and give hints on the music and the sound. Although our own ‘demos’ seemed to us ‘almost ideal’, under Przemek’s watchful eye it appeared that the final versions could sound even better, more effectively and then appear “with no shame” on Polish radio stations along with the bands that inspire us! We strongly recommend Perlazza Studio, because the final result overgrew our sound expectations, and Perła’s commitment and experience were and still are at a premium. If you’re a young band like us, full of worries about production of your recordings or whether you aren’t going to be left on your own in the middle of the process go to Perła as fast as you can, because he is The Man who wants you to sound your best! :)

Beniamin Bochnacki - ETA

We have recorded 3 albums in Perlazza Studio over the last 13 years. Each time we gained a whole bunch of new experiences which we are grateful for. Perła has always offered his recording as well as guitar and vocal experience. If I were able to record my own material one day, I’d choose Perlazza Studio for sure.

Maciej "Maxx" Koczorowski - Chainsaw

Perlazza is a studio in which I value a human factor first of all – Przemek has vast experience, understands a musician and when there’s a need – will watch or advise. All that creates comfort of work and certainty that everything is gonna be peachy.

Marcin "Lokis" Lokś - Vermona Kids, Turnip Farm, Blue Raincoat, Stephans.

Mój pierwszy kontakt z profesjonalnym studiem nagraniowym miał miejsce w Perlazza Studio kiedy byłem jeszcze nastolatkiem. Duża wiedza, elastyczność, otwartość i umiejętne prowadzenie sesji przez Perłę sprawiła, że zostałem na dłużej, co zaowocowało nagraniem wspólnie 11 płyt. Polecam Perlazza Studio zarówno tym na początku drogi, jak i doświadczonym grajkom.

Piotr Jan Brzeziński - Peter J. Birch, Turnip Farm, More Than Three, Let The Boy Decide, .

Having recorded two albums at Perlazza we experienced an exceptional and always unique work climate in this studio. Perła is much more than just a sound engineer, he’s a partner and often the outside voice of common sense that encourages you to take a critical look at the material and pursue the best possible effects.

Zespół - Skøv

In Perlazza we recorded tracks for our debut album “Gniew”. That was our first experience with a recording studio and we remember it very well. Przemek is a professional, works perfectly with musicians and there is truly homely atmosphere in the studio. A great sounding live room is the advantage of the studio. Instruments sound vividly and dynamically. I heartily recommend.

Jan Biedziak - Noże

Before the first session he fired our drummer, nags about each detail, uses Dropbox only, whines more than our bass player, but it’s thanks to him that we are where we are. We recorded together our first two albums. Perła had his share in the next two records, too. The way Two Timer sounds today is also partly thanks to him. We are always glad to come back to the doorstep of Perlazza Studio. Highly recommended!

Two Timer

I recorded two albums in Perlazza Studio and I hope to pay there a visit more than once. Work with Perła is (besides pleasure) a guarantee that no rubbish will see the light of the day. Perła can get the very best out of me as a musician. He used to speak plainly: “you of all people can do it better, experiment!” Thanks to such attitude towards work the base material gives a lot of satisfaction. Professionalism just radiates from this guy and I can recommend this place with a clear conscience to anyone.

Bogusz Rutkiewicz - Turbo

We’ve been to Perlazza Studio twice so far. Because of an extensive portfolio and experience in the first place and the second time thanks to a great relationship we developed with Perła during the first visit. Professionalism and readiness are by far the most important aspects of work with Przemek. He frequently assisted us with advice in critical moments of the session and offered interesting solutions to the problems that appeared out of nowhere. At the same time he didn’t insist when we had a different point of view. Nay, he would catch the experimenting bug anytime an opportunity knocked. Though work in a studio (is work in the first place) – exactly – work, to have Przemek behind the mixing desk is a sheer pleasure.

The Great White Lights

I’ve been recording albums and single pieces for over 30 years in different studios in the whole Poland and haven’t been so satisfied with the sound of recorded instruments, especially the drums, ever before. Excellent production and great producer’s attitude make me not want to work in any other place than PERLAZZA STUDIO. Nothing to talk about here…here you need to record!

Maciej "Ślimak" Starosta - Acid Drinkers, Flapjack, Siq.

Perła is an outstanding sound engineer and a warmth-radiating person. He puts you in the state of being stoked and excited in the studio and at the same time reduces your stress to a minimum. He’ll advise what to play if you’re not sure, knows what doesn’t bite and what works in a song. After finishing the record you plan another and another coffee with Przemek :) Waiting for another adventure in Perlazza…

Hubert Gicewicz - Curcuma

Professionalism in every sense: starting from a great place, decorations, available equipment and facilities and ending the most important – Perła himself! :) We’ve been connected with Perła and his studio for nearly a decade, we recorded all our albums and each visit in the studio was an incredible school of music and life. On every stage we were able (and still are) to count on Przemek’s full commitment and help in difficult moments. What’s more, the effect of his work knock down – regardless of the source of sound and the equipment music sounds powerful and very, very pro! I recommend cooperation with Perła and his Perlazza Studio with all my heart!

Tytus Adamczewski - Beyond The Event Horizon

I’ve recorded 9 albums in Perlazza Studio. Each of these sessions has enriched me with new experiences and skills. I love working with Przemek! I’m gonna record the 10th one there too hoping for an anniversary discount :). Professional and real to spite! Highly recommended!

Krystian "Pilara" Pilarczyk - OvE, Vermona Kids, Blue Raincoat, Lutownica, Low Cut, Let The Boy Decide.

We recorded at Perlazza two albums “Dochodzę do siebie” and “Kardiowerter”, each took two weeks in the studio and what weeks they were! Hard work from morning till evening (with a short, pleasant and necessary break for lunch!), in the atmosphere of professionalism, with support of Perła who knows the stuff inside-out, from all angles, straight through. Not only was he a producer to us, but for these two weeks (or three including the mix) had become a member of the band always willing to suggest something in terms of composition (building up harmonies!) or equipment-wise (vast resource of instruments, mics, amps etc.). I have already mentioned professionalism; I will also add that the atmosphere never got nervous, it was always nice in the studio, I felt welcomed and like at home which helps creative thinking. I recommend with a clear conscience. First, you get a great material, second, the memories are great.

Jarosław Westermark - Królduch

Work with Perła is not only an excellent climate, but also maximum satisfaction with the sound and above all invaluable help in production as well as commitment. I had a great pleasure to record here our latest album “Nie mów nikomu” and I hope we will meet soon.

Michał „Twurca” Tomczyk - Blade Loki

At Perła’s I recorded albums with three bands, in different music genres and every single time it went smoothly. I remember that we experimented with 100% live recordings and actually everyone thought we weren’t going to make it, but in the end these experiments came out the best. Thank you Perła for an open mind!

Grzegorz "Boro" Sawa-Borysławski - Neony, Dust Blow, Breslaux.


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